Tournament informationPlease click
HERE to fill out a quick form with tournament information to share with other coaches. Fill out a form for each tournament you would like to provide feedback on. Let us know about the tournaments you have done, and whether you would recommend doing it to other teams!
Merton Scrimmage Tournament
Coach: Nick ObrochtaDates: Usually 1st weekend in May - Merton, WI
Years / Age level - We have done this at U8 in 2016, and U9 in 2017
Cost - About $225 - 3 games
This is an affordable tournament and is a good way to get a few games in early in the season, and get your players some work. They do not keep scores or anything, so it is a good way to move players around and see where they fit in, and get them some work in places they have not played before. Weather is always tough this weekend ( but really, when isnt it?), at U8 we got cut short due to cold and rain, but at U9, we got all 3 games in and despite being cooler temps, it was good.
Recommendation: If you are looking for some playing time early in the season for not a lot of money, it is worth it!
New Berlin Magic Tournament
Coach: Nick ObrochtaDates - Usually 1st weekend in June - New Berlin, WI
Years / age Level - U8 in 2016, U9 in 2017
Cost - About $425 - 3 game guarantee, more with pool/bracket play
Well run tournament in our back yard. NB magic supports our Pumas tournament so it is nice to support theirs. U8 we went to the Championship game and finished 2nd. 2017, weather allowed only 2 innings on saturday, and one game on sunday, which was disappointing, but you can't control the weather. The home run derby / Skills competition on friday night was very well done. In 2017, i had a pitcher come in 1st for his age group for pitching, and a player come in 2nd in the home run derby. Lots of fun!
Recommendation: Will definitely continue to do this tournament.Org also gets a discount for multiple teams i believe.
Pewaukee Pirates Tournament
Coach- Nick ObrochtaDates - unsure
Years / Age - U8 2016
Cost - Unsure
Review: We did this at U8, and we will not return. The rules that were put out to all teams were not enforced by the umpires. Despite the rules, protests were made by other team and decisions were overturned without our knowledge.
Recommendation: Unless there is word around town that this has improved, we will not return